
GRC in Cyber Security: An Important Component

COVID-19 has poached the global economy up to its most vulnerable state. With this condition, new companies are emerging in the market with a mission to stay in the online sector. Extending lockdowns in each city have eventually pressurized almost all the companies in the private sector to start the ‘work from home’ convention. Online meetings, presentations, and discussions have made cybersecurity of these organizations an inevitable need. Not all organizations are capable of protecting themselves from cyberattacks on their own. Some might take help from other agencies. The U.K. is among a few nations that are the most affected by this outbreak. Considering the current situation of the country it’s only safe to assume that its entire business industry has gone online.  All the organizations, under new regulations, are required to have a framework that keeps in sync, all the three factors of  GRC in Cyber Security .  The three factors being governance, risk...